Statement of His Holiness Pope Shenouda III on the Egyptian Revolution

On 15 February 2011 Pope Shenouda met with a small committee of the Holy Synod that released the following statement:

The Coptic Church praises Egypt’s honest youth, the Youth of 25 January who led Egypt in a resilient white revolution and sacrificed precious blood, the blood of the nation’s martyrs who were hailed by Egypt’s leadership, army and people. We too offer condolences to their parents and members of their families.

The Coptic Church praises Egypt’s brave Army and the High Council of the Armed Forces for their statements aimed at protecting Egypt both domestically and internationally. We support its position in dissolving parliament and the Shura council and in seeking to restore order.

We believe that Egypt should be a democratic civil country that selects its parliament through free and fair elections that represent all classes of the population.

We support all Egypt in fighting poverty, corruption and unemployment and in resisting anarchy and vandalism. We support the establishment of security, safety and the principles of social justice and national unity and the prosecution of all those who have broken the law.

The Coptic Church prays for our great Egyptian nation, with its long history and civilisation. We ask the Lord to keep it safe and to extend peace, safety, stability and prosperity.

Pope Shenouda III
Pope of Alexandria and Patriarch of the See of St. Mark
and Head of the Holy Synod of the Coptic Orthodox Church

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